Top Stories September 20, 2023

6 Ways to Prepare Your Home for Fall

6 Ways to Prepare Your Home for Fall

Preparing your home for fall is important to ensure that it remains comfortable and well-maintained during the changing seasons. Here are five ways to get your home ready for fall

Clean Gutters and Downspouts:

As leaves begin to fall, it’s essential to clear your gutters and downspouts of debris to prevent clogs and water damage. Use a ladder and gloves to remove leaves, sticks, and other debris. Consider installing gutter guards to make this task easier in the future.

Inspect and Maintain Your Heating System:

Before the cold weather sets in, have your heating system serviced by a professional. They can clean and inspect your furnace or heat pump, ensuring that it’s working efficiently and safely. Replace air filters and consider installing a programmable thermostat to save on heating costs.

Seal Windows and Doors: 

Check for drafts around windows and doors and seal any gaps or cracks with weatherstripping or caulk. This will help prevent cold air from entering your home and warm air from escaping, making your home more energy-efficient and comfortable.

Clean and Store Outdoor Furniture:

As the outdoor season comes to a close, clean and store your outdoor furniture and accessories. Clean cushions, wipe down surfaces, and store items in a dry, protected area to prevent damage from the elements. If your climate is particularly harsh, consider covering outdoor furniture with protective covers.

Prepare Your Fireplace:

If you have a fireplace or wood-burning stove, get it ready for use by having the chimney inspected and cleaned. Ensure that you have a sufficient supply of firewood and store it in a dry, covered area. Stock up on essential fireplace tools like a poker, ash shovel, and firewood rack.

Fall Decor and Safety:

Embrace the cozy atmosphere of fall by adding some seasonal decor to your home. Consider using warm colors, candles, and autumn-themed decorations to create a welcoming ambiance. Additionally, check your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors to ensure they are in working order, and replace batteries if necessary for safety.


By following these steps, you can make sure your home is ready for the cooler temperatures and potentially harsher weather conditions that come with the fall season, while also creating a comfortable and inviting space for you and your family to enjoy.

You can’t overstate the impact an experienced real estate agent can have when preparing your home for the market and guiding it to a successful sale. While you’re taking care of the tips above, Coldwell Banker Brown Realtors is here to help set you up for even more success!